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Fruit Or Vegetable Juice, Which Type Of Juicing Is Healthier?

Written by Teresa A. Derrick

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As you navigate your way through your weight loss journey, you’ve probably encountered the benefits of juicing. Juicing helps reduce fruits and vegetables into an edible liquid where you can just drink it in one gulp.

Not only is the drink nutrient-dense since it goes directly to your stomach and bloodstream, but it also saves you time from preparing food due to your hectic schedule. That’s why more and more people are incorporating juicing into their diet. However, some people wonder what type of juicing is healthier? Here’s what the experts have to say.

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The Showdown

According to health experts, the health and nutritional benefits, you get from drinking either fruit or vegetable juice depends on the kind of staples you use as you prepare your drink. Most fruit contains fiber and natural sugar.

While this is good to give your body, the natural sugar it needs without spiking your blood sugar (and promote digestion and fullness thanks to fiber), eating too many fruits also affects your blood sugar in a way. If you’re looking to revitalize your energy after an intense workout or a day of exhausting work. Aside from that, fruit juice can be used as a sugar replacement if your recipe involves sweetness.

However, drinking fruit juice every now and then when you’re trying to lose weight may be detrimental to your diet. According to health experts, not only can too much fruit juice wreak havoc your blood sugar levels, but it also increases your calories at a fast rate. Since fruits are naturally sweet in nature, it’s naturally high in calories too. Aside from that, fruit juices are acidic, so it can upset your stomach if you consume too much acid juice.


Vegetable Juices

Vegetable juices, on the other hand, have alkaline effects in nature. Not only that, but vegetables are rich in nutrients and vitamins. It also has more fibers than sugar. This is why the health experts recommend you can eat as many veggies as you can to your heart’s content.

Moreover, it helps maintain your pH balance, enabling your body to function optimally. Aside from that, veggies are extremely low in calories too, making it ideal for those people who want to lose weight. Although the health experts also recommend mixing both. You can add more veggies and fewer fruits to achieve optimal weight loss results.

The 90-10 Rule

For those who want to mix their juices, the health experts recommend you follow the 90-10 juicing rule. This means 90% of your juice should be composed of vegetable juice and the remaining 10% of fruits.

If you prefer to drink either juice, the health experts say both are healthy. However, make sure to only consume them in moderation. According to health experts, both fruits and veggies contain minerals and vitamins that are vital for your health and wellbeing.

Blending Vs. Juicing

Now that you know the difference as well as the health benefits of fruit and vegetable juices, some people are also confused whether blending is better and healthier than juicing (or vice versa). The health experts also laid out the difference between these two types of drink. According to them, blending is the process of pulverizing a whole fruit or vegetable into tiny pieces. This results in a smoothie and it yields more extract than juices.

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It’s because blending doesn’t extract the fiber that’s naturally present on fruits and vegetables.
In essence, you’ll be consuming both the fruit’s fiber and water when you drink a smoothie. Juicing, on the other hand, is the process of extracting the liquid or juice from the fiber. It results in a high liquid concentration of vitamins, phytonutrients, and minerals.

While juicing can help you acquire the nourishment you need, the downside of juicing is that it goes right into your bloodstream. Blending takes time for your stomach to digest since it still contains fibers.

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